Bon Sol, Mallorca
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Bon Sol

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This hotel is located in Illetas, lying just 8 km away from central Palma. The clifftop Bon Sol nestles amid pine trees, its moorish tower lofting from a luxuriant gardens and dominating the picturesque Palma bay. The hotel is located within easy access of a host of attractions in the area. Perfect for those seeking exploration, as well as travellers looking for the ultimate relaxation, this hotel is sure to impress. The hotel is nestled amidst aromatic pine trees, overlooking the picturesque Palma bay. The guest rooms enjoy an individual design and charm, offering a comfortable setting in which to unwind. No two of its spacious bedrooms and sites are alike; each has its own charme and individual decor.This hotel prides itself on its personalised service and attention to detail. Guests are invited to take advantage of the many facilities and services that this superb hotel has to offer.
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