Comfort, Paris
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The hotel is situated near the Charles de Gaulle Airport, the International Roissy Business Centre and the Villepinte Exhibition Centre. It is 15 minute drive from the Asterix attraction park. A free shuttle bus service to and from CDG is available every 20 minutes from 5 am to 12 pm.The restaurant is located on the ground floor, next to the reception. A lot of natural light comes through the full-length windows and the use of light colours in the decor creates a friendly atmosphere. There is also a bar where guests can enjoy drinks.This is a 3-storey modern block building.Medium sized, open plan with the restaurant. To the right of the entrance, there is a large reception desk. Light colours and full-length windows give an airy feel.This is a very good quality 2-star hotel equivalent to 3-star superior tourist standard property. Efficient service and good value for money. The hotel is currently undergoing gradual renovation. The disruption caused to guests should be minimal as these renovations are taking place outside peak hours. (0408/IU)
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